Okey, kita dah masuk ke
bab 3 ye. Bab 3 ini bab metodologi. Metodologi ini memang kita bila salah
huraian. Kalau salah huraian memang akan salah semuanya. Jadi kalau kita lihat
dalam bab 3 . okey, kita ada banyak subtopik. Tujuannya, supaya kita sendiri
faham dan pemeriksa pun faham, orang lain yang dimana-mana sahaja berasa dalam
Malaysia, luar negara bila baca pun faham kerana kita huraikan setiap cara kita
menjalankan kajian. Itulah namanya metodologi . Jadi di sini kita lihat, kita
ada banyak subtopik di sini. Satu pengenalan, reka bentuk kajian, kaedah kajian
terbahagi kepada sampel, jika perlulah maknanya kalua ada kajian kita
menggunakan sampel dan juga lokasi kalau kita menggunakan responden untuk dekat
sekolah ke di mana-mana lah, orang kampung ke. Kemudian kita ada bahan,
instrument kajian, prosedur, kerangka teori, kerangka konseptual dan juga
Okey seperti biasa
pengenalan kita tadi dalam satu perenggan. Itu tiada masalah iaitu 3.1
pengenalan. Kemudian, kita ada reka bentuk. Dalam reka bentuk huraian itu,
dalam pendek je sebenarnya dalam satu perenggan. Kita jangan keliru ya, kita
Cuma dalam reka bentuk ini kita hanya terangkan adakah kita menggunakan kaedah
kualitatif atau kuantitatif. Okey itu kalau kita gunakan kedua-duanya kita
jelaskan. Okey, jadi kalau misalnya awak nak buat rujukan sedikit dekat sini
menurut siapa-siapa tapi adalah wajar untuk tidak beri definisi. Nak buat apa
kita bagi definisi kuantitatif atau kualitatif. Nak buat apa! Tak perlu beri
ini. Cuma kita berikan bahawa bab 3 ini huraian tentang kajian kita yang kajian
kita hendak jalankan. Jadi dalam satu perenggan cerita pasal kaulitatif atau
kuantitatif atau kedua-duanya.
Kemudian kita masuk ke
3.3 baru kaedah kajian. Kaedah kajian ini itulah yang kita hendak jalankan
kajian ini . apa kaedah yang kita gunakan. Jadi kalau disini kita gunakan
sampel. Jadi letak lah kita akan letak siapa. Okay contoh sampel kajian saya
menggunakan 20 orang pelajar. Jadi sekarang ini saya perlu pastikan bahawa saya
kena huraikan dengan terperinci iaitu pelajar sekolah rendah, lelaki berapa,
perempuan berapa. Umur 9 tahun. Kena spesifik ya. Yang lelaki dan perempuan
perlu berapa lelaki, berapa perempuan. Kita dah cakap sekolah rendah. Kemudian
ada satu lagi, subtopik iaitu lokasi. Lokasi ini kena letaklah. Contoh, Sekolah
Kebangsaan Serdang. Masalahnya sekarang saya tahu sekolah tu di mana tetapi
pemeriksa tak tahu. Pemeriksa mungkin tinggal di negeri lain jadi dia tak tahu
kat mana. Mungkin kita akan letak koordinat dan lebih bagus letak peta. Peta
daripada Google Maps daripada yang jelas menunjukkan lokasi sekolah ini
daripada jalan besar …ohh sekolahnya disini. Dan juga awak akan tahu lah
sekolah ini luar bandar ataupun bandar. Jadi kena jelas terperinci itu yang
saya kata dalam Metodologi kena terperinci. Jadi ada lokasi. Kemudian kita ada
bahan. Okay tadi kita punya kajian ini tentang Wacana Tekstual Skrip Animasi
sekarang ini saya ada sampel, saya ada lokasi kajian ini. Sampel itu kita ambil
pelajar sekolah untuk kita temubual untuk skrip animasi. Saya juga ada bahan
ataupun instrumen yang saya gunakan. Jadi sekarang cerita tentang bahan ini,
cerita tetang animasi cerita rakyat terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP)
yang ditulis oleh Normaliza Abd Rahim pada tahun ini. Animasi cerita rakyat ini
saya yang tulisnya dan lagu, lirik lagu, skrip semua saya yang buat dan
diterbitkan oleh Dewan bahasa dan pustaka. Dan kalau nak tengok boleh tengok di
Google Store iaitu 33 buah cerita dan 33 buah lagu. Ini promosi tiba-tiba. Okay
sekarang, ini boleh siapa-siapa yang nak tunjuk pada anak sedara, atau jiran
anak saudara, atau jiran punya, jiran punya anak saudara ataupun anak dia, cucu
dia juga boleh. Murah je sebenarnya kita jual dan semua itu animasi saya
buat. Memang saya buat dan DBP yang terbitkan. Maknanya memang bahasanya bagus,
cerita rakyat ialah cerita rakyat melayu kita turun temurun. Boleh tengok
di Google Store. Di Apple tiada. Jadi sekarang
bahan ini tadi akan letak synopsis. Sinopsis cerita rakyat. Contohnya tajuk
cerita rakyat nombor satu iaitu Cenderawasih. Contoh ya, saya letak sinopsis di
sini. Saya perlu letak sinopsis, sebab sekarang kita perlu ingat, kita tahu
cerita ini, tetapi pemeriksa tak tahu. Orang yang nak baca tesis kita tak tahu.
Jadi kita letaklah sinopsis, kalau misalnya cerita ni saya ambil 20 cerita
rakyat. Letak 20 sinopsis cerita dalam ni. Mesti letak dan perlu letak.
Kemudian kita pergi ke prosedur. Jadi prosedur kita ini, kita kena letak
kekadang ada Terpulang kepada pelajar dan juga penyelia Ya ada prosedur yang
dia letak dalam bentuk point 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 sampai 10 ada yang letak dalam
bentuk perenggan bermakna kalau ada lima prosedur dia letak lima perenggan
boleh tak ada masalah. Asalkan kita tahu bahawa prosedur pertama ada kaitan
dengan prosedur kedua ada kaitan dengan ketiga, keempat adalah berkaitan
Janganlah nombor satu awak kata awak ambil apa nama ni awak panggil pelajar
ataupun eh tadi nak ikut obejktif satu dia kenal pasti skrip wacana tekstual.
Awak ambil skrip animasi tersebut kemudian awak analisis analisis dengan
menggunakan ni ni ni ni tiba-tiba, prosedur kedua awak dah panggil pelajar
untuk untuk beri pendapat bilanya panggil budak tu membaca skrip tu bila pula
tu macam seolah langkah itu prosedur dah melompat-lompat jadi salah. Jadi
pastikan ini terpulang bentuk point atau bentuk perenggan tetapi perenggan.
Tetapi pastikan ia mengikut macam mana awak jalankan kajian. Itu penting,
langkah bagaimana jalankan kajian tu Awak je yang tahu orang lain semua tak
tahu jadi kena langkah satu satu.
Okey balik kepada 3.5
merupakan analisis. Analisis ini penting ya Sebab sekarang ini kita ada dua
objektif jadi awak Huraikan mengikut objektif pun boleh jadi huraikan analisis
pertama pertama apa digunakan dengan cara begini Jadi di sinilah awak akan
letak yang awak buat coding tadi Ingat tak coding yang
saya cerita kat dalam dekat dalam bab 4 tadi macam contoh saya okey. Contohnya,
awak dah buat coding SK1 hingga SK30 merupakan skrip lah.
Skrip 1 hingga 30. S1 hingga S30 ialah sampel. Jadi itu, analisis ini awak kena
jelaskan dan huraian tadi jelas itu SK ini biasa dia kadang-kadang dia akan
buat dalam bentuk jadual iaitu dalam maksudnya sini SK maknanya ni skrip Okey
bermakna SK1 maknanya skrip satu sampel. Tadi awak nak pakai sampel Satu
bermakna sampel satu ini dia punya kotak Nanti huraian awak ceritalah SK
merujuk kepada apa-apa dia hurai, hurai, hurai, hurai sebab ini coding ni
penting sebab dalam data kalau tak ada coding-coding kita nak letak ni kita tak
faham takkanlah kita nak cari kali nak taip skrip 1, skrip 2, skrip 3. Tak
boleh lah macam tu kan dan Ada juga yang ni pula kalau awak dah ada yang ini
kena ada pula satu lagi jadual yang menunjukkan SK1 maknanya cerita apa
Cenderawasih okey SK2 cerita apa Okey burung pipit contoh dia. ini tajuk tajuk
daripada skrip skrip yang awak dapati daripada cerita animasi itu tadi kena
letak ni lepastu hurai, hurai kemudian bawah tu Barulah awak ceritakan macam
mana awak analisis data tersebut berikan contoh macam mana awak nak analisis
jadi yang ini kadang-kadang pelajar pandai dia tengok Bab 4 Okey macam mana dia
bawa empat-empat tu sikit letak dekat sini contoh analisis supaya pemeriksa
faham “Oh.. begini cara dianalisis rupanya untuk objektif satu”. “Oh begini
cara dianalisis untuk objektif dua” asingkan cara awak nak huraian tentang
analisis objektif satu dengan objektif dua dan objektif ketiga di situlah
baharu pemeriksa faham cara analisis data ini buat macam mana. nanti kita ada
3.4 kerangka teori jadi kerangka teori ini pada 3.4 Okey kerangka teori.
Sudah ini barulah bawah ini Huraikan tentang teori rajah 1 di atas
da..daa…daaa…daaaa dan dalam inilah awak Huraikan satu persatu ni
huraian-huraian ni tentang teori Normaliza Abd Rahim Ini yang ini sahaja lebih
kurang 2 hingga 3 halaman sebab ini penting kerana huraian tentang teori ini
penting kerana macam saya katakan sebelum ini bahawa kita menganalisisi data
kita jalankan kajian mesti berpaksikan teori tak ada teori Memang payah nak
jalan Jadi takkan kita nak pakai analisis je. ada juga saya dapati bila saya
jadi pemeriksa Viva ada juga pelajar yang bila dia bentang-bentang memang
terkejutlah, mata saya terbuntang sekejap ternganga sekejap sebab kata “Oh
tiada teori yang tidak digunakan” Oh letih masa tu memang terkejut memang tak
tahu apa nak buat macam mana boleh analisis data tiada teori. Dia kata “saya
rasa” ini semua main saya rasa dia ni memang tak kemanalah rasalah sendiri.
Jadi sekarang dia rajah satu huraikan semuanya tiap-tiap satu ini tapi ingat
huraian tentang teori jangan salin bulat-bulat. Macam contohnya teori saya ada
dalam buku saya ini Kajian Wacana Strategi Komunikasi Teori Dan Aplikasi. Ada
dalam buku teori itu, ada jugaklah budak pergi salin bulat-bulat. Dia ingatkan
kita ni tak tengok ke. Saya rajin membaca ya. Jadi jangan. Ubah ayat itu, orang
kata kena parafrasa ayat-ayat itu jadi tapi kena sebutlah menurut Normaliza Abd
Rahim (2019) kandungan bla bla bla bla bla bla jadi ceritakan ceritakan tentang
teori dan juga dalam teori ini boleh juga cerita tentang teori analisis wacana
Normaliza Abdul Rahim merujuk kepada teori yang dicadangkan oleh siapa siapa
siapa sebelum ini memperbaiki teori yang terdahulu sebab teori yang lama semua
yang didapati 1980, 1977 ada yang terlalu lama sedangkan kita perlu tahu pada
zaman dahulu tu kita manusia pun berbeza, Kita dah digital sekarang manusia dia
lebih banyak bercakap dah berani bercakap secara maya dan juga sebenarnya itu
memang boleh buat kajian banyak ya. Bila bercakap sekarang kanak-kanak kecil
kita tanya satu dia jawab 46 jadi dulu memang zaman dulu memang orang tua-tua
cakap itu tanya dia satu soalan dijawab 10 tapi sekarang zaman 2020 kita tanya
satu soalan dijawab 47 jawapan memang kita nak dengar sampai kata-kata stop dia
tak berhenti-berhenti bagi jawapan siap kita pergi supermarket beli
barang tak habis lagi bagi jawapan.Itu kanak-kanak sekarang, Sebab itu
kita tidak bolehlah pakai yang lama kerana kadang-kadang tidak relevan dengan
keadaan sekarang ini. Tambahan pula jika kita nak buat kajian tentang interaksi
tentang unjaran tentang penulisan berbeza dulu punya tahun 6 dia punya
tatabahasa dan berbeza dengan sekarang yang tahun 6 yang nak dekat sama macam
kita di tingkatan 5, dia jadi sangat berbeza Sebab itulah kita kalau jumpa
teori yang baharu kita pakai yang baru sebab orang yang membuat kajian ini yang
melahirkan teori ini telah melakukan beratus-ratus kajian Sebelum dia dapat
satu kajian ini. Seperti juga Teori Analisis Wacana Normaliza Abdul Rahim dia
ni dah buat kerja nak dekat beratus kali baru dapat teori ini Itu pun jenuh
bertukar-tukar cuba ni lagi cuba eksperimen ini lagi eksperimen itu tak jadi
tak jadi. Akhirnya dia dapat satu yang boleh sesuai dengan keadaan zaman
digital kita sekarang ini.
Okey kita ada 3.5
kerangka konseptual jadi kerangka konseptual ini mengikut penyelia
masing-masing lah sebab ada penyelia yang mengatakan kerangka konseptual tu
seperti tatacara ada yang mengatakan ini bukan kerangka konseptual mana mana.
Ini saya dan jelaskan dalam buku ini sebenarnya semua ini tertakluk kepada
penyelia dari Universiti. Dia cuma panduan je buku ni saya tak suruh pun
beli. Tapi kalau nak carilah ada dekat shopee pun ada jual saya pun terkejut
UPM jual. Dia kata di Shopee pun boleh beli. Okey ni sekarang ini kalau
kita lihat contoh yang saya nak tunjukkan tentang kerangka konseptual. Ini
menunjukkan kerangka konseptual ini cara saya yang saya rasa saya katakan tadi
Mungkin penyelesaian berbeza dia penyelia akan kata “Eh ni bukan kerangka
konseptual ini macam tatacara” , ini ada yang kata itu ada yang kata “ohh
inilah cara lain” tak apa jangan bimbang jangan gusar pelajar ya ikut sahaja
cakap penyelia masing-masing ingat yang ini panduan saya nak ajar ni pun cara
saya nak bagi supaya awak dapat bayangkan “Oh ini cara dia” tapi bila awak buat
mungkin lain tidak mengapa tak ada masalah. Bila kerangka konseptual tu ada dia
letak dalam satu halaman bila kerangka konseptual ada kita lihat sekali
sedangkan awak dah hurai semua ni dalam bab 3 tapi bila sekali saya tengok baru
saya faham alur dia tu “Oh gunakan ini instrument” “Oh bahan dia ini nak” jadi
kita dapat lihat lah dengan lebih jelas dekat sini Kalau saya nak terperinci
saya patah balik tengok dia punya huraian bagi tiap-tiap satu satu begitu. Bagi
saya Itulah kerangka konseptual jadi bagi pelajar terpulanglah macam mana tapi
ini bagi saya ini jelas Okey kalau tengok bahan okey nak tengok lebih
terperinci tengok dekat dalam bab 3. Jadi ini diletakkan di akhir Jadi yang ini
3.5 ini tidak perlu huraian langsung tak perlu huraian kerana huraian sudah pun
dibuat letak je kat atas ni satu halaman memang habis.
Kemudian 3.6 terus masuk
kesimpulan jadi dalam kesimpulan ini macam biasa awak simpulkan dalam satu
perenggan ingat ya macam saya katakan tadi semua bab ada kesimpulan kecuali bab
5 semua bab ada pengenalan, kecuali semua eh takda pengecualian. jadi
kena ada siapa-siapa pun dalam tu memang Huraikan apa dalam tu. Okey untuk bab
3 biasa dia tanya “ Prof beberapa halaman ya bab 3”. Jadi bab 3 ni kita
sebenarnya tak, Sebab kita cuma ada benda-benda semua huraian yang kita
guna ya Jadi tak perlu banyak Bukanlah sampai 40 halaman. Okey dalam ni pun dia
ada nyatakan biasanya yang ini saya, saya kata tak perlu banyak 10 hingga 12
macam tu jangan sampai 20 halaman kalau 20 halaman bendalah awak nak buat.
Mungkin yang banyak tu di sini sinopsis cerita , mungkin yang itu yang banyak.
Tetapi yang lain-lain itu semua kita jelaskan. Macam kita cerita pasal sampel
okey ini dia, okey bahan ini dia la kalau contoh kita Buat kajian tentang Instagram contoh
dia kan. Jadi kita letak bahan kita boleh screencapture satu
contoh letak dekat situ. Okey contoh yang Instagram itulah.
kita boleh letak kat situ tapi ini tak perlulah sebab kita ada sinopsis sikit
bagi 20 cerita itu kita itu jadi lebih panjang dapatlah lebih kurang 10
hingga 12 halaman. Sebab ini bukan bab analisis ini bab cara kita menjalankan
kajian Okey selain daripada itu, saya rasa untuk bab 3 ini kalau lihat semua
saya dah jelaskan dengan terperinci dan juga huraian bagi setiap satu tu kena panjang
ya sampai lokasi, bahan kena panjang. Kadang-kadang ada juga pelajar yang letak
kata rintis contoh-contohnya dalam prosedur tentang rintis yang kajian rintis.
Boleh juga sebab kita nak dimaklumkan bahawa kajian rintis dijalankan
kadang-kadang dia letak bab 3. Okey, boleh juga nak diletakkan di situ supaya
kadang-kadang yelah kajian rintis melibatkan soal selidik sebagai data rintis.
Banyak kali round pun belum dapat yang betul lagi. Sehingga
soal selidik itu betul-betul sempurna. Jadi itu boleh dijelaskan, tetapi jika
tidak melibatkan soalan tidak mengapa. Contohnya, dalam bahan ini kajian ini
melibatkan skrip kan. Jadi kalau melibatkan soalan temu bual. Maknanya, di sini
kena ada satu lagi iaitu 3.3.4 instrumen sebab ini tadi tidak pakai ya. Kalau melibatkan
soal selidik jadi itulah instrument. Kena huraikan instrument apa, soal
selidik, jadi dalam soal selidik ini biasanya akan letak sahajalah di lampiran.
Boleh juga. Tetapi jelaskan apa yang ada. Okey, bahagian A ini mempunyai apa
dia, bahagian B apa dia. Bahagian C apa dia.
Okay ini
selepas itu, awak juga perlu ada soalan temu bual. Boleh kalau awak hendak
letakkan kajian rintis. Jadi adalah semua semuannya disini. Itu kalau anda
pakai instrument, kalau tiada tak perlu. Jadi sekarang kena ada. Jadi misalnya,
soal selidik itu tidak mahu letak disini. Boleh letak dalam lampiran. Soalan
temu bual boleh letak sebab tak banyak soalan. Jadi biasanya, kajian yang kita
jalankan perlu, adalah trianglelation. Maknanya sekarang pada bahagian ini kita
ada temu bual, mungkin lagi satu ada buat pemerhatian, ialah kalau hendak jumpa
pelajar itu. Dia kena ada pemerhatian. Pastikan bahawa pemerhatian itu jelaskan
dengan pelajar macam mana cara dia. Adakah awak pasang video letak ditepi, awak
perhatikan dia temu bual antara awak dengan pelajar itu, atau dua orang pelajar
di hadapan. Awak kena ceritakan. Ceritakan cara-cara itu di sini. Cara
pemerhatian itu dijalankan. Selepas itu, semasa prosedur itu, jelaskan step
by step daripada mula sampai habis. Kalau nak asingkan ikut objektif
pun tidak mengapa. Sebab objektif awak tadi berbeza dengan objrktif kedua. Okey
boleh faham tak?. Saya ulang balik, kita ada pengenalan, reka bentuk. kita ada
pengenalan reka bentuk, kaedah, lokasi, bahan atau instrumen ini memang adanya
di sini saya tertinggal. Jadi kita ada bahan kita jelaskan bahan. Kalau kita
datang sana Lepas itu kita asingkan dengan instrumen yang digunakan. Jadi kalau
ada kedua-duanya letak sekali tapi pastikan penomboran itu berbeza dan
prosedur, analisis dan kemudian kita ada kerangka teori dan kerangka konseptual
dan akhirnya kesimpulan. Jadi, dalam akhir bab ini lebih kurang 10 hingga 12
muka surat paling banyak 15. Jadi biasanya jarang pelajar buat sampai 15
halaman sebab tiada apa yang kita boleh jelaskan dengan panjang lebar. Jadi
ingat bab 3 in sangat penting. Bab 3 ini untuk kajian kita. Makna huraian
bagaiman cara untuk kita nak menjalankan kajian. Jadi yang dalam ini, ingat
tidak perlu bila awak tulis sampel, kemudian awak tulis definisi sampel. Nak buat
apa? Kita tak mahu hendak baca tentang itu, ada juga pelajar tulis menurut
kamus dewan blab la blab la. Memang lah nak kena garis dengan pen merah. Tidak
perlu definisi-definisi semua ini. Sebab yang ini semua kita punya, pelajar
punya. Kecuali di sini awak hendak cerita sedikit definisi, bukan definisi
tetapi rujukan. Boleh. Kalau tiada rujukan tiada masalah. Sebab ingat bab
3 ini kita punya, kecuali teori. Teori bukan kita punya. Itu sahaja bukan kita
punya yang lain memang kita punya sebab kita hendak bagi pemeriksa faham
tentang macam mana kajian kita dijalankan. Kita hendak beritahu misalnya
pelajar lain, bila baca merujuk tesis kita. Mereka akan faham terus tentang
bagaiman kajian ini dijalankan.
Okay, we've got to chapter 3 yes. Chapter 3 is a methodology
chapter. This methodology is indeed ours when misinterpreted. If the
description is wrong, everything will be wrong. So if we look in chapter 3.
Okay, we have a lot of subtopics. The purpose, so that we ourselves understand
and the examiners also understand, other people who feel everywhere in
Malaysia, abroad when reading also understand because we describe every way we
conduct research. That is the name of the methodology. So here we see, we have
a lot of subtopics here. An introduction, study design, research method is
divided into samples, if necessary it means that if there is a study we use the
sample and also the location if we use the respondents to go to school
anywhere, the villagers to. Then we have materials, research instruments,
procedures, theoretical frameworks, conceptual frameworks and even conclusions.
Okay as usual our introduction earlier in one paragraph. That is
no problem i.e. 3.1 introduction. Then, we have a design. In the design of the
description, in short je is actually in one paragraph. We do not confuse yes,
we Only in this design we only explain whether we use qualitative or
quantitative methods. Okay then if we use both we explain. Okay, so if for
example you want to make a little reference near here according to anyone but
it is reasonable not to give a definition. What do we want to do for a
quantitative or qualitative definition. What do you want to do! No need to give
this. We just give that chapter 3 is a description of our study that our study
is about to conduct. So in one paragraph the story of a qualitative or
quantitative article or both.
Then we go into the new 3.3 study method. The method of this
study is what we want to conduct this study. what method do we use. So here we
use a sample. So place it we will place who. Okay an example of my study sample
using 20 students. So now I have to make sure that I have to describe in detail
which is primary school students, how many boys, how many girls. 9 years old.
Be specific. Which men and women need how many men, how many women. We've
talked about primary school. Then there is another, subtopic that is location.
This location must be located. For example, Sekolah Kebangsaan Serdang. The
problem now is I know where the school is but the inspector does not know. The
examiner may live in another country so he does not know where. Maybe we will
place the coordinates and better place the map. The map from Google Maps
clearly shows the location of this school from the main road… ohh its school
here. And also you will know this school is rural or urban. So it must be clear
in detail that I said in the Methodology must be detailed. So there is a
location. Then we have the ingredients. Okay just now we have this study on
Textual Script Animation Discourse now I have a sample, I have the location of
this study. The sample we take school students for us to interview for the
animated script. I also have materials or instruments that I use. So now the
story about this material, the story about the animated folklore published by
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) written by Normaliza Abd Rahim this year. The animation
of this folklore I wrote and the songs, song lyrics, scripts all I made and
published by Dewan bahasa dan pustaka. And if you want to see, you can look in
the Google Store, which is 33 stories and 33 songs. This is a sudden promotion.
Okay now, this can be anyone who wants to show a relative, or a nephew's
neighbor, or a neighbor, a neighbor has a nephew or a child, his grandson can
too. Cheap je actually we sell and all that animation I made. Indeed I did and
DBP published. This means that it is a great language, folklore is our Malay
folklore for generations. Can be viewed in the Google Store. In Apple there is
none. So now this material will be synopsis. Synopsis of folklore. For example,
the title of the number one folklore is Paradise. For example, I put a synopsis
here. I need to put a synopsis, because now we have to remember, we know this
story, but the examiner does not know. People who want to read our thesis do
not know. So let's put a synopsis, if for example this story I take 20 folk tales.
Put 20 synopsis of the story in here. Must place and need to park. Then we go
to the procedure. So this is our procedure, we have to put it sometimes there
is up to the student and also the supervisor Yes there are procedures he puts
in the form of points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to 10 some put in the form of paragraphs
meaning if there are five procedures he puts five paragraphs can be no problem.
As long as we know that the first procedure is related to the second procedure
is related to the third, the fourth is related. Do not number one you said you
took what name you called the student or eh just wanted to follow objective one
he identified the textual discourse script. You take the animated script and
then you do the analysis by using this ni ni ni ni all of a sudden, the second
procedure you have called the student to give an opinion when calling the boy
to read the script when it seems like the step the procedure has jumped so
wrong . So make sure this depends on the shape of the point or the shape of the
paragraph but the paragraph. But make sure it depends on how you conduct the
study. That is important, the steps how to conduct the study You who know
everyone else do not know so you have to step one by one.
Okay back to 3.5 is an analysis. This analysis is important yes
Because now we have two objectives so you can explain according to the
objective can also describe the first analysis first what is used in this way
So here you will put what you did coding earlier Remember not coding that I
told in close in the chapter 4 just like my example is okay. For example, you
have coded SK1 to SK30 is a script. Scripts 1 to 30. S1 to S30 are samples. So,
you have to explain this analysis and the description was clear that this SK is
normal, sometimes he will do it in the form of a table, that is, in the meaning
here SK means this script. Okay means SK1 means a sample script. Just now you
want to use sample One means this sample one he has a box Later your
description tell SK refers to anything he describes, describes, describes,
explains why this coding is important because in the data if there is no coding
we want to put this we I do not understand, we do not want to look for times to
type script 1, script 2, script 3. It can not be like that, right? SK2 story
what Okay sparrows example him. This is the title of the script that you found
from the animated story had to be placed here, then explain, explain then
below. Chapter 4 Okay, how did he bring the four of them a little closer to
here, an example of analysis so that the examiner understands "Oh .. this
is how it is analyzed apparently for objective one". "Oh this is how
it is analyzed for objective two" separate the way you want to describe
the analysis of objective one with objective two and objective three where the
new examiner understands how to analyze this data for how. later we have 3.4
theoretical framework so this theoretical framework at 3.4 Okay theoretical
framework. Already this is just below Explain about the theory of figure 1
above da..daa… daaa… daaaa and in this you Explain one by one these
descriptions about the theory of Normaliza Abd Rahim This alone is about 2 to 3
pages because this is important because the description of this theory is
important because as I said before that we analyze the data we conduct the
study must be based on theory there is no theory It is hard to work So we do
not want to use analysis je. I also found that when I became a Viva examiner,
there were also students who when they were really surprised, my eyes widened
for a moment because I said "Oh there is no theory that is not used"
Oh tired at that time I was really surprised I did not know what to do where
can data analysis no theory. He said "I think" this is all play I
think he is nowhere to feel himself. So now he figured out one to explain
everything in each of these but remember the description of the theory do not
copy completely. For example, my theory is in my book This Discourse Study of
Communication Theory and Application Strategies. In the theory book, there are
also slaves who go and copy completely. He reminded us not to look. I am
diligent in reading yes. So don't. Change the sentence, people say they have to
paraphrase the verses so but they have to say according to Normaliza Abd Rahim
(2019) the content blah blah blah blah blah blah so tell a story about the
theory and also in this theory can also be a story about the theory of
discourse analysis Normaliza Abdul Rahim refers to the theory proposed by
anyone who previously improved the previous theory because the old theories all
found 1980, 1977 some are too old while we need to know in the past we humans
are different, We are digital now humans are more speaking has dared to speak
virtually and in fact that can indeed do a lot of research yes. When talking
now little children we ask one he answered 46 so in the past it was the old
days indeed the elders said it asked him one question answered 10 but now in
2020 we ask one question answered 47 answers we really want to hear up to words
stop he does not stop for the answer ready we go to the supermarket to buy
unfinished goods for the answer. That is the child now, That is why we can not
wear the old one because sometimes it is not relevant to the current situation.
Furthermore, if we want to do a study on the interaction of teaching about
writing, it used to have a year 6, it has grammar and is different from now
that year 6 wants to be as close as we are in form 5, so it is very different.
we adopt a new one because the person who made this study who gave birth to
this theory has done hundreds of studies Before he got this one study. Just
like Abdul Rahim's Theory of Discourse Analysis Theory, he has done work almost
hundreds of times before he can get this theory. Finally he got one that can
fit the current state of our digital age.
Okay we have 3.5 conceptual frameworks so this conceptual
framework is according to their respective supervisors because there are
supervisors who say the conceptual framework is like the procedure some say
this is not any conceptual framework. This is me and explain in this book
actually all this is subject to the supervisor from the University. He is just
a guide for this book, I did not even ask to buy it. But if you want to look
for something near the shopee, there is a sale, I was surprised that UPM sold
it. He said at Shopee you can also buy. Okay now if we look at the example I
want to show about the conceptual framework. This shows this conceptual
framework is my way that I think I said earlier Maybe a different solution he supervisor
will say "Eh this is not this conceptual framework is like a
procedure", this is someone who said that someone said "ohh this is
another way" it is okay do not worry do not annoyed students yes just
follow the words of their respective supervisors remember that this is a guide
I want to teach this is also the way I want to share so that you can imagine
"Oh this is his way" but when you do something else it doesn't matter
there is no problem. When the conceptual framework is there, it is placed in one
page, when the conceptual framework is there, we see it once while you have
explained all this in chapter 3, but when I look at it, I only understand the
groove, "Oh, use this instrument" so we can see it more clearly near
here. For me That is the conceptual framework so for students it depends on how
but this for me this is clear Okay if you look at the material okay I want to
look in more detail look closely in chapter 3. So this is placed at the end So
this 3.5 does not need a direct description does not need a description The
description has already been made to place je kat at the top of this one page
is finished.
Then 3.6 continues to enter the conclusion so in this conclusion
as usual you conclude in one paragraph remember yes like I said earlier all
chapters have a conclusion except chapter 5 all chapters have an introduction,
except all eh there are no exceptions. so there must be anyone in there to
describe what is in there. Okay for the usual chapter 3 he asked "Prof a
few pages yes chapter 3". So chapter 3 we actually do not, Because we only
have things all the descriptions we use yes So do not need much Not up to 40
pages. Okay in this, he also stated that this is usually me, I said you don't
need a lot of 10 to 12 like that, don't reach 20 pages if you want to make 20
pages. Maybe that's a lot here is a synopsis of the story, maybe that's a lot.
But the rest is all we explain. Like we told the story about this sample, it's
okay, this material is okay, if it's our example, do a study on Instagram, for
example, right? So we put the material we can screencapture an example put near
there. Okay example that Instagram is. we can put it there but this is not
necessary because we have a little synopsis of the 20 stories we are so longer
can be about 10 to 12 pages. Because this is not the chapter of this analysis,
the chapter on how we conduct research Okay other than that, I think for this
chapter 3 if you look at everything I have explained in detail and also the
description for each one has to be long yes to the location, the material has
to be long. Sometimes there are also students who put the word pilot for
example in the procedure about the pilot that pilot study. Can also be the
reason we want to be informed that the pilot study is conducted sometimes he
puts chapter 3. Okay, can also want to be placed there so that sometimes the
pilot study involves a questionnaire as pilot data. Many times the round has
not got the right one yet. Until the questionnaire is absolutely perfect. So
that can be explained, but if it does not involve questions it does not matter.
For example, in this material this study involves scripts right. So if it
involves interview questions. Meaning, here there must be another one which is
3.3.4 instrument because this was not used yes. If it involves a questionnaire
then that is the instrument. It is necessary to describe what instrument, the
questionnaire, so in this questionnaire will usually be placed only in the
appendix. Yes. But explain what is there. Okay, this part A has what he is,
part B what he is. Part C is what he is.
Okay this After that, you also need to have an
interview question. Yes, if you want to put a pilot study. So is everything
here. That is if you use an instrument, if there is no need. So now there must
be. So for example, the questionnaire does not want to be placed here. Can be
placed in the attachment. Interview questions can be asked because there are
not many questions. So usually, the study we conduct is necessary, is
trianglelation. This means that now in this section we have an interview, maybe
another one for observation, is if you want to meet the student. He needs to be
observed. Make sure that the observation explains to the student what kind of
way he is. Do you put a video on the side, do you notice him interviewing you
and the student, or two students in front. You have to tell me. Tell us about
those ways here. The way the observation was carried out. After that, during
the procedure, explain step by step from start to finish. If you want to
separate according to the objective, it does not matter. Because your objective
was different from the second objective. Okay can you understand ?. I repeat,
we have an introduction, a design. we have an introduction to the design,
method, location, material or instrument this is indeed here I am left behind.
So we have the material we explain the material. If we come there, then we
separate it with the instruments used. So if there are both lay down but make
sure the numbering is different and the procedure, analysis and then we have
theoretical framework and conceptual framework and finally the conclusion. So,
at the end of this chapter there are about 10 to 12 pages at most 15. So
usually students rarely make up to 15 pages because there is nothing we can
explain at length. So remember chapter 3 in is very important. This chapter 3
is for our study. The meaning of the description of how we want to conduct a
study. So in this, remember it is not necessary when you write a sample, then
you write the definition of the sample. What do you want to do? We do not want
to read about that, there are also students who write according to the
dictionary of the hall blab la blab la. I really want to draw a line with a red
pen. No need for definitions of all this. Because this is all we have, students
have. Except here you want to tell a little definition, not a definition but a
reference. Yes. If there is no reference there is no problem. Because remember
this chapter 3 we have, except theory. The theory is not ours. That's all we do
not have others we do have a reason we want for the examiner to understand how
our study is conducted. We want to tell for example other students, when
reading refer to our thesis. They will understand directly about how this study
was conducted.
Rujukan: Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2019). Jom Tulis Tesis. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia.
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